
Welcome to Smart Digital Technologies (SDT)

To focus on serving business needs for IT Infrastructure and Business applications for Government, Bank, Pharmaceuticals, International Organization, Telecom, Textiles-Garments Organization   & other Corporate organizations operating in Bangladesh, Smart Digital Technologies (SDT) is working keenly closer to the challenge as a one point solution provider and was established with the same vision in mind.

Smart Digital Technologies (SDT) was established in 2014 and within very short period of time since its origin, it has established itself with a view to be familiar as a major supplier of Accessories regarding Information Technology and Development of Software in national level as well desiring for International level in future.

It has already established a good reputation in current Computer Accessories, Server, Printing & Imaging products, Power Solution Products, Network Products  Security Surveillance & Business Automation Products market for its competitively lower price, integrity, business policy, after sales service, on call service with a junk of educated young & energetic talent.

Smart Digital Technologies (SDT) was organized to be responsive to the emerging new technologies in the Security Surveillance & Computer market by constantly monitoring new Security & Computer Products and Services fitted to the needs of its customers.